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  • P5室内全彩led单元板

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    模组特点 (Module Features)


    5mm像素间距 ,R、G、B三种颜色的晶片封装在一个胶体内组成单个像素,混色性能较好 ,显示密度高达40000pixels/sqm ;

    With the smaller pixel pitch, three vertically arranged of R G B lamp which constitute a single pixel makes better color performance and the density can reach 40000pixels/sqm.


    32*32显示分辨率 、160mm*160mm模组尺寸 ,灯驱合一结构,散热良好;

    With the resolution of 32*16, module size of 160mm*80mm, the structure of combined driver board ensures the better heat dissipation.

    ◆视角大,显示图象柔和,像素密度大 ,适合室内观看;

    With larger view angel, soft image, high definition which is suitable for indoor application.

    ◆超高亮、低衰减 、高可靠性、一致性好、高耐候性;

    With features of super brightness 、low attenuation 、high reliability、good consistency 、and high weather ability.


    With the effect of non-granular, better color uniformity, non-mosaic phenomenon.


    With the design of multi-layer circuit board makes the uniform of current distribution, quick heat dispelling, long life span and high reliability.








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